With the ever increasing needs for security, digital transformation processes and smart technologies have affected door locks all around the globe as well. Keyless solutions have been introduced during this process where such solutions are offered for increasing the safety and security of homes and offices and facilitating the comfort and ease of access. Door locks are one of the most popular keyless solutions that can scan and convert your fingerprint data into a digital template. Moreover, consumers frequently prefer remote-control locks, card-operated systems and electronic passcode locks that you can run as if you are remotely opening the door of a car. Electronic locks both save your time and provide comfort by running in harmony together with smart technologies that have captured the whole world. Such technologies mainly involve electronic locks that can be operated with remote access systems and that you can prepare and share with your beloveds at any time you need. Smart technologies both offer comfort and save time while supporting the enhanced security of your property.
Latest Door Lock Technology
High tech door locks are keyless solutions that mainly require reliable and secure access controls. Such products are electronic keypads, biometric locks and smart cards. Electronic keypads run with a code entry system to gain access, and smart cards used mostly by hotels and offices are activated by card readers.
Biometric fingerprint lock models can run with digital image processing, biometrics and algorithm data. Non-imitable fingerprints can thus be converted into digital data. The fingerprint reader found on the door handle matches the fingerprint of the person with the previously recorded data when the person wants to enter homes or offices. The entry is not allowed unless the fingerprint is recognized. A fingerprint is unique and can be hardly imitated, so these products are one of the most secure door lock options. Advantages of using such products are listed below:
- Lost keys will not be problems anymore.
- You will be warned by alarms or mobile phone notifications whenever foreign persons attempt to enter your property.
- They allow you to gain rapid access to your property. You will not need to look for your key in your bag, in particular, under adverse weather conditions; for instance, when it is raining.
- You will not need to carry keys with you or copy a spare key in any case. Whenever you use a fingerprint steel door lock, you can introduce fingerprints of your guests via the application, thus granting permission for access to your guests.
- The reader is fitted on the door handle for most of fingerprint locks. The reader found on the door handle will save you time. You can just touch the door handle to unlock the door.
- They can be used for homes, offices and building entrances.
- They can be rapidly and easily installed.
- They can be operated without requiring any additional fittings.
Most of electronic lock systems run on batteries. It can continue running even though a power cut occurs. Though varying from model to model, almost of all models run on a system that warns you when the battery is low. You will not need to worry about your battery thanks to such a warning.
Door Locks Compatible with Smart Systems
As in all industries, security is permanently developed to meet needs of consumers more conveniently and make the daily life more comfortable. One of the most significant developments of security systems is innovative door locksequipped with smart technologies. Smart technologies contribute to your enhanced security thanks a wide range of card, passcode and fingerprint locks. The state-of-the-art technologies employed with a broad array of electronic locksare:
- Electronic Key Assignment: The first of the state-of-the-art technologies across door locks is a system that helps you assign persons for the permission to enter your home when you are not at home. With these systems, you can create keys to those persons you give permission via a smart lock application and you can also send such keys to them by e-mail.
- Compatibility with Smart Home Systems: Locks compatible with smart home systems can establish communications with other devices available at home. Lights of your saloon can immediately turn on thanks to such systems that can be remotely accessible.
- Remote Access: Owing to smart locks that can run on remote access systems, you can check whether the door of your home is locked or unlocked, and open your door via your mobile phone when necessary.
- Monitoring Person Entering Your Home: With code or fingerprint door locks, you can track the time of entries into or exits from your home thanks to new-generation technologies. You do not thus have to call your children to see whether they are back home or not.
- Hour Assignment: You can assign certain hours for visitors and ensure that your door can be opened by fingerprint or code only during such assigned hours. Such a digital key becomes passive outside of such assigned hours.
- Voice Assistant Support: Voice assistants have been widely used for a wide variety of devices, mainly, smart televisions and telephones and are currently used for door locks as well. With this voice assistant, you can prompt your door to unlock the door when you are leaving home.
Maybe you have decided to purchase an electronic lock, but you may still be asking if such products are reliable and secure. Here we need to highlight that each digital security system has various functions depending on each model you are seeking. Some of such functions run on either fingerprints or codes and radio frequencies. No matter what functions they are fitted with, electronic locks will run on customized algorithms unlike manual locks. This will enhance the security of electronic cards. Kale Kilit gathers latest door lock technology with security and lock systems. With Kale Kilit, you can gain immediate access to a vast number of products including fingerprint reader locks you can use for increasing the security your home or office.