The security of homes and offices is one of considerations that need to be prioritized for protecting the people as well valuable belongings found inside homes and offices. So doors generally play a very important role for ensuring the internal security of buildings where in-wall safes are responsible for the security of goods or belongings. At this point, an in-wall safe is one of the most important security equipment featured with its security and protection capabilities. However, such safes always need to be installed perfectly. Otherwise, advantages that it provides may be lost. Then how can a safe installed in a wall? What are points to be taken into consideration? Let us review the installation stages of these special safes responsible for the security of your valuable items.
In-Wall Safe Installation
In-wall safes are among the equipment which is indispensable for the security of homes. The most crucial thing is the installation of safes to ensure that your valuable goods can be securely and safely stored. An in-wall safe installation is not only a physical operation, but also a process requiring attention and planning based on your daily life because the proper installation of a safe in accordance with instructions plays an important role both in ensuring a safe and secure space and offering ease of use for home owners. You can follow the steps described below in order to install a safe in the wall:
Examine the Wall for Installation
For you to be able to choose the right materials, it is the most important step to understand the structure of the wall first before installing an in-wall safe. Concrete, brick or wooden walls may require the use of various techniques. You can determine wall materials and choose the appropriate method of installation.
Prepare Needed Materials
It is important to obtain all of materials needed for the process first before starting the in-wall safe installation. The equipment that will facilitate your work includes a safe, stainless steel dowels, suitable screws and, of course, a strong drill.
Specify the Position of the Safe
The position onto which a safe is to be installed may make a difference in terms of security and access. It will be hard to change it once installed, so it is important for your long-term satisfaction to choose the position with utmost care. Home owners typically choose secret places such as back panels of cabinets or inner wardrobes. However, you can enhance the security by determining a place, which is easy for you, but which cannot be located by strangers, in accordance with interior decorations.
Drill the Wall in accordance with its Size
The proper size and position of the area onto which a safe is to be installed is the basic step for a secure installation. However, you must regard the structure of the wall when making holes because a wrong drilling technique or a faulty hole size can complicate things. Furthermore, always remember to take necessary precautions as there may be much dust together with particles.
Place the Safe
You need to install the in-wall safe after your prepare the area into which the safe will be placed. You can implement a proper installation when you place and fix the safe in the right location by using dowels. You must keep in mind to align the safe evenly by using a water gauge or a tape measure. So you can complete the installation of the in-wall safe properly.
Close the Safe
When the installation of the in-wall safe is complete, it is important to test the door and lock of the safe. You can make your safe available for use after you make sure that the key or combination mechanism works in a proper manner.
Review the Installation
After the installation process is complete, it is important to review the safe and make sure that everything is properly done. You need to change the depth or angle of the area that you have drilled so that you can rectify possible mistakes at this stage. If you are however careful about certain tips, you can complete the installation at one shot.
Tips to Follow When Installing an In-Wall Safe
The in-wall safe installation is a very important precaution of security. However, a wrong step you will make during this important stage may pose a risk for your security. Factors that need to be considered when installing an in-wall safe are not only limited to the load-bearing capacity of the wall. You need to consider a set of important factors from electric lines to secrecy and from ease of use to ease of access. For instance, the load-bearing capacity of the wall is the most important point that should not be neglected during the in-wall safe installation.
The material and structure of the wall plays an important role for determining the weight that will carry the safe. In particular, concrete walls are featured with their high load-bearing capacity, but wooden walls may be more sensitive. So the proper consideration of the balance between the weight of the safe and the load-bearing capacity of the wall assures the durability of a security system. If you are in doubt as to the load-bearing capacity of the wall, then you can get help of a specialist.
Electric and water lines are also one of details that you must always take into consideration during the installation of the in-wall safe. You must pay attention to avoid damage to electric or water lines found in the wall during the installation of the in-wall safe. These lines assembled in the wall may pose probable risks when installing the safe. First, you can use a line scanning device to locate lines in the wall before performing the installation because if you give harm to electric lines or water installations, this may then cause serious problems for the security of the house and security system. So locating lines in the wall before installing the safe, and getting assistance from a competent electrician or an installer will allow you to do the installation process without posing a risk for your security.
Secrecy is the extremely sensitive and strategic part of the in-wall safe installation. The position in which the safe is installed is of great significance for the security and ease of use. First, the secrecy of a safe provides protection against potential thieves. Places such as back panels of cabinets or inner wardrobes can be among ideal locations for keeping the safe out of sight. Providing an easy access to the safe facilitates the daily use as well. The use of a key or combination mechanism both increases the security and offers you user-friendly experience. At this point, you will gain maximum benefits from the in-wall safe if you determine access points with utmost care and maximize the security while installing the safe.
It is also important to check lock mechanisms and security features and to test if safe doors can properly be closed after you complete the installation of the safe. So you can confirm whether the safe can be used securely or not.
If you like to make the in-wall safe installation yourself, you can follow these steps or ask for professional assistance from professionals. With Kale Kilit, you can immediately own one from a wide range of steel safes.