Lock systems are one of the most important components that allow you to be able to live at homes and offices safely. The best cylinder systems are preferred to ensure that your family members and employees enjoy their times at such locations where they spend the most of their day. It is of great importance that lock technologies need to be extremely good in terms of security and safety where such systems also should be user-friendly. No matter how good your door selection is, a top-quality lock will be of equally importance as well. A variety of cylinder choices can thus bring security to an upper level. Cylinders are assembled, screwed and fixed into lock frames of doors. All of such precautions that you will take against hazards across your living spaces will keep you and your beloved ones safe and secure. You can gain access to the remainder of our content to get more details about types and specifications of cylinders that can maximize your home security.
Trap Cylinder
Choices of locks mainly depend on spaces to be used. Equipped with a high protection capacity, cylinder systems make users feel safe. The mechanism reinforced with steel pins is extremely resistant to possible drills. Stainless steel materials are preferred for such systems to facilitate a resistance performance on springs available inside the mechanism. The key combination of the model is offered to you with a special computer technology. The component that allows the transfer of the mechanism’s motion is a special sinter cast material. Manufactured with raw materials of brass, the technology exhibits an elegance appearance enriched with anthracite coating. You can also prefer sanded nickel-plated models. The product, best cylinder brand in its class, also has a trap model developed against attempts of theft. This prevents the snapping of a lock, thus enabling the lock to continue working even if the part of the lock that remains outside is damaged and broken off. The door can be easily unlocked by a functional spare key that will save you against problems of keys forgotten at home.
Core Encrypted Advanced Security Cylinder
Equipped with top-quality designs, advanced fittings and high-security features, these cylinders ensure that your home is well protected against a variety of hazards. Locks can almost never be pick-locked thanks to the three-stage combination mechanism that protects the core inside the cylinder. The product’s specially-manufactured key mechanism has the same quality as well. One of the distinctive features of the key structure is that not only both parts, but also top and bottom parts can be manufactured as combination locks. Featured with innovative functionalities, its security system maximizes the protection level desired for external home doors. Cylinder groups are made up from steel pins and structured with anti-snap U-profile frames. Steel springs eliminate the risk of rust on locks. The presence of steel pins also avoids the risk of drills. From a set of options available, you can choose cylinders designed in polished brass or sanded & nickel-plated models.
Alarm Cylinders
Alarm cylinder security technologies including digital security cylinders minimize the risk that a user may face in adverse conditions. They are fitted with brass and sanded & nickel-plated anti-drill frames. In addition, they are used together with multi-channel keys. The product incorporates a special system and keeps your door secure thanks to a warning sound it gives. You can benefit from the secure system of a top-quality cylinder model that brings the safety of life and property of yours and your family to a further level. The trap system available inside the lock can be broken by an intruder with malicious intent. This both warns you and also gets such malevolent persons away from your space thanks to an alarm sound of 100 decibels that the system gives. Its warning test system is a great deterrent against thieves while it allows you to enjoy some safe experience at the same time. The mechanism fitted with an alarm delivers an extended service life with a replaceable battery.
Things to Consider When Choosing Cylinder
It is of great importance to take a number of precautions to keep entrance doors of homes secure against environmental and physical exposures. The procurement of an effective protection system and the selection of a top-quality cylinder will play a significant role at this stage. You can consider the following requirements when you are selecting the best high-security cylinder technologies for living spaces you own or share with your beloved ones:
• If you need a security system that can be locked and unlocked by using one single key from both sides, main lock and security lock, then you can consider purchasing double-cylinder products.
• Those who like to purchase a cylinder mechanism that offers high-security against picking, key-reproducing and drilling risks can choose core encrypted models.
• You can consider purchasing alarm cylinder models for a cylinder that is deterrent against malevolent persons who attempt to unlock doors with force.
• With this advanced security cylinder, it is possible to have an anti-corrosion and anti-snap cylinder that is fitted with an advanced technology.
You can keep your beloved ones secure by choosing a top-quality cylinder. Manufactured within high-quality standards, Kale Kilit home security technologies keep you and your family in security. You too can review the best cylinder designs of Kale Kilit to meet security needs of your comfort zone in an effective manner.