
Kalemino for a more secure way of li​ving!

Kalemino represents the energy, inn​ovative approach and dynamism behind Kale Kilit’s years of experience in security.

The Kalemino mascot was created by Sıtkı Görçiz in 2006 and is based on Kale products. The body of the mascot is made up of the cylinder within a lock, whilst its head comprises the “key” within the cylinder.

Kalemino first featured in television advertising campaigns in 2007. Since then, it has been used in all Kale Kilit promotional features.

In 2008, Kalemino’s mission statement was expanded which paved the way for the corporate cartoon project. Prepared by Grafi 2000, cartoons representing the struggle between good and bad and Kalemino and Fiko were featured in mainstream newspapers.





Kalemino Karikatür 1

Kalemino Albüm 1

Kalemino Karikatür 2

Kalemino Albüm 2

Kalemino Karikatür 3

Kalemino Albüm 3

Kalemino Karikatür 4

Kalemino Albüm 4